
To full fill the academic need of the students & faculty the college has been interested and devoted to develop the library. Keeping the view, the aims and objectives of the law college, the library has been planned and is being developed. The library is well equipped and having rich collection of many reference books, journals and text books including those recommended by the University. Besides, we also have Halsbury’s Laws of England, Corpus Juris Secundum, Halsbury’s Laws of India. We are also subscribing for all important Law Reports in every branch periodical /reference book or text book etc. By depositing identity Card. all periodicals, newspapers, journals, magazines are made available at free hand for the students. This college has been keenly interested and devoted to develop its Library by providing Internet facility and free access to the Students into the racks. The library functions between 09.00 to 05.00 pm on all working days. Books are being supplied to the Students on submission of the Library Card. Meritorious and enthusiastic students are supplied with additional Library facilities on the recommendation of the Library Advisory committee and principal of the College.

Library Rules

The admission to other outsider readers is subject to the permission of the Principal

Every student has to follow Rules and Regulations of the Library Advisory Committee From time to time.

Students are supposed to keep their Identity Card with them and show as and when required by the Library Staff.

Students are strictly instructed to Switch off their Mobile Phones or keeps on silent mode.

Ex-students can use the reading room with the prior permission of the Principal.

Disturbances of any kind will not be tolerated and no crowd is permitted either in the reading room or at the counter or in the corridor.

If any book is lost student should replace the copy of the book or pay three times the original price of the book.

If a student lost his original Identity Card/ Library Card, a duplicate Card will be issued only by paying 100/-. The College has established a separate “Book Bank” for S.C. /S.T. Students with the financial assistance of the social welfare Department of Govt. of Maharashtra. The S.C. /S.T. student can avail the said facility subject to certain rules and regulations.

Smoking, chewing Tobacco, Pan Masala, Ghutkha and consumption Intoxicating Liquors, Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances or any other prohibited substances in the Library is strictly prohibited and also liable for severe punishment.

The Students are expected to take utmost care of the Library Books. Fine will be imposed if the books are damaged. If the books are lost Student has to pay the existing price of the books as penalty.

Every Student has to return the Books before the commencement of the University Examinations.

Protect the property of Library for the better usage of future generations.

College Library Profile

Journals & Periodicals (Bond Volume) = 963 Nos.

Journals & Periodicals (Unbond Volume) = 907 Nos.

University Syllabus

University Examination Question Paper Sets Total Collection = 10292 Nos.

College Library Profile

All India Reporter

All England Law Reporter

Consumer Protection Reporter

Labor Law Journal

Bombay Cases Reporter

Maharashtra Law Journal

Supreme Court Cases Weekly

India Bar Review

Current Central Legislation

Criminal Law Journal

Legal News & Views

Law Teller


AIR Manual

Marathwad Case Reporter

Library Services & Activities

Spacious & ventilated Reading room

Standard Library Software ‘SOUL 2.O’ is set up.

New Books Display Stand

Suggestion Box

Suggestion Box

Law Suit (Offline legal database)

N-List Online Database

News Papers & Magazines

Lokmat (Marathi)




Maharastra Times(Marathi)

Deshonatti (Marathi)


TarunBhart (Marathi)

Ekmat (Marathi)

Punyanagari (Marathi)

Lokpatra (Marathi)


Godatir (Marathi)

Lokmat Samachar (Hindi)>

Times of India (English)

Indian Express (English)

Jaykranti(Marathi) (Weekly)

Sakal (Marathi) (Weekly)

Lokprabha (Marathi) (Weekly)

Chitralekha (Marathi) (Weekly)

India Today(Hindi) (Weekly)

India Today (English) (Weekly)

Library Advisory Committee 2019-20

Sr.No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Sow. J. B. Auradkar (I/c Principal) President
2 Dr. M. L. Dharmapurikar (Assist. Prof.) Member
3 Dr. T. M. Bande (Assist. Prof.) Member
4 Dr. P. L. Dompale (Assist. Prof.) Member
5 Shri S. S. Kousale (Head Clerk) Member
6 Shri S. R. Aambatwad (Librarian ) Secretary

Detail of the Library Staff

Sr.No. Name Designation Qualification
1 Shri Ambatwad Sunil Rajeshwarrao Librarian B.Sc., M.Lib.,M.Phil
2 Shri Dhondge Madhukar Pralhadrao Library Attendant 9th Class Pass